This is a one semester course that I created for use in our homeschool co-op, ICAP. Please feel free to use it in any way that is useful for you. Please use discernment with your student as in class I was able to discuss the spiritual realities of God being in control of our lives despite all the *scary* things in our food & environment. In many cases I discussed things in class that I did not assign extra reading on so that component is missed out on in this format as I have no copies of my lectures.
My main goal in this class is to make the student aware of the hazzards in the world, the positives in eating a whole foods diet & making clean lifestyle choices, how both affect our overall health & how we have a responsibility to be informed and make prayerful decisions based on what we know & what God is telling us to do in each circumstance. I also want them to become proactive consumers in the health care world and not just adopt the attitude of doing whatever a doctor tells them without researching it themselves & seeing what all their options are. There is also a week on family choices for their future that outlines some holistic alternative decisions for their future children's lives that they can consider & pray about. In essence the goal is to be informed, pray always & think for themselves rather than go along with whatever everyone else or the culture is doing.
Some weeks we had a guest speaker &/or breaks so the numbering for weeks will be off in the document titles. Someday I will reorganize them & repost.
Introduction to parents, syllabus & week one reading & homework

icap_health_2011_class_introduction_letter.pdf |

icap_health_2011_syllabus.pdf |

icap_health_2011_week_1_food_articles_reading_assignment.pdf |

icap_health_week_1_homework.pdf |
Week 2 Reading & Homework

icap_health_reading_assignment_week_2.pdf |

icap_health_homework_week_2.pdf |
Week 3 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_3_reading-the_benefits_of_juicing.pdf |

icap_health_week_3_homework.pdf |
Week 4 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_4_reading_-sunshine.pdf |

icap_health_homework_week_4.pdf |
Week 5 & 6 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_6_reading-anti-perspirants_a.pdf |

icap_health_week_6_reading-anti-perspirants_b.pdf |

icap_health_week_6_reading-personal_care_products.pdf |

icap_health_week_6_reading-fluoridation.pdf |

icap_health_homework_week_6.pdf |
Week 7 & 8 Reading & Homework

icap_health_reading_week_7-mercola_articles.pdf |

icap_health_week_7_reading-soda_chart.pdf |

icap_health_week_7_reading-10_diseases_linked_to_soda.pdf |

icap_health_week_7_reading-sugar__other_articles.pdf |

icap_health_week_7_homework.pdf |
Quarter Project

icap_health_3rd_quarter_project.pdf |
Week 9 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_9_reading-10_dangerous_everyday_things_in_your_home.pdf |

icap_health_week_9_reading-how_toxic_is_your_average_laundry_detergent.pdf |

icap_health_week_9_reading-hazardous_chemicals.pdf |

icap_health_week_9_reading-non-stick_cookware_continues_to_prove_its_toxicity.pdf |

icap_health_week_9_reading-how_to_avoid_the_top_10_most_common_toxins.pdf |

icap_health_week_9_homework.pdf |
Week 10 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_10_readiing-common_viruses_and_bacteria_may_cause_chronic_health_problems.pdf |

icap_health_week_10_reading-chronic_diseases_and_health_promotion.pdf |

icap_health_week_10_reading-dispelling_vaccination_myths.pdf |

icap_health_week_10_reading-what_is_cancer.pdf |
Week 11 Reading & Homework

icap_health_week_11_reading-dr_whitaker_on_insurance_coverage.pdf |

icap_health_week_11_reading-mental_health_disorders__medications.pdf |

icap_health_week_11_reading-dr_sears_on_anti-psychotic_drugs.pdf |

icap_health_homework_week_11_pg_1.pdf |

icap_health_homework_week_11_pg_2.pdf |

icap_health_week_11-pharmaburger.pdf |
Week 12 Medical Choices Project

health_medical_choices_project_for_in_class_presentation.pdf |
Week 14 Reading & Homework

what_about_sterilization.pdf |

who_is_in_control_flyer.pdf |

what_about_children_flyer.pdf |

icap_health_week_14_homework.pdf |
Final Project

icap_health_final_project.pdf |
Supplemental Reading assignments

sunlightspecial.pdf |

icap_health_blueberry_imposters.pdf |

icap_health_fast_food_wrappers_have_toxins.pdf |

debunking_the_cholesterol_myth.pdf |